Imagine being this alligator and experiencing this problem - stuck in a pothole in the middle of the road... Imagine being able to develop a process for effectively solving this problem. Imagine being able to increase productivity, reduce waste and improve customer satisfaction in the workplace in the same way.
If you are tired of applying dead-end solutions to recurring problems in your company, this workshop should help you reconstruct your efforts and learn new ways to approach problem-solving, and develop practical ways to solve some of your most pressing problems and reach win-win decisions that you will be confident in.
Course Outline:
SECTION 1: Increase awareness of Problem-Solving Steps and Tools
- The Steps in Problem-Solving (The Problem-Solving Model)
- Phase One: Problem Identification
- Perception
- Definition
- Analysis
- Phase Two: Decision Making
- Solution-Generation
- Evaluation
- Decision-making
- Phase Three: Planning and Organising
- Plan a course of action
- Implement Plan
- The Problem-Solving Toolkit
- The Lasso
- Is/Is Not
- Graphics
- Basic Questions
- Break it Up
- Force Field Analysis
- Generalise/Exemplify
- Expert
- Fishbone (cause and effect diagram)
- SWOT Analysis
SECTION 2: Distinguish Root Causes from Symptoms to Solve Problems the Right Way
- Root cause VS symptoms
- Making Win-Win Decisions
- Problem-Solving Defined
- Types of Problems
- Approaches to Problems
- General Characteristics of Problems
- Solving Problems the “Right” Way
- Legitimising Problems
SECTION 3: Improve Problem-Solving Skills by Understanding Own Style
- Different Problem-Solving Styles Explained
- The Accommodators
- The Converger
- The Diverger
- The Assimilator
SECTION 4: Identify ways to think creatively and work towards creative solutions
- The Solution-Generation Toolkit
- Brainstorming
- Checkerboard
- Cut up solutions and move them around
- Look at what others have done
- Pre-Determined Criteria
- Pro’s and Cons (Advantages and Disadvantages)
SECTION 5: Develop the Confidence to Tackle Problems Efficiently and Effectively
- Ten ingredients for good decision-making
- Confidence in making the right decision
- Be aware of the decision-making pitfalls