Conflict: Getting along at Work

Conflict: Getting along at Work

Sharks and certain fish live in symbiosis with each other - meaning that although they are very different with the potential for conflict, they have developed a mutually beneficial relationship where they both win. 

All of us experience conflict. We argue with our spouses, disagree with our friends, and sometimes even quarrel with strangers at a rugby game. At times we lose sight of the fact that all this conflict is normal. So long as people are individuals there will be the potential for conflict.

That’s the first thing to learn about conflict. It isn’t wrong or bad; it’s just part of being a person in contact with other people. The only people who don’t experience conflict are hermits.

Since you can’t prevent conflict, the most important thing is to learn how to handle or manage it in productive ways. What is critical for resolving conflict is developing an understanding of, and a trust in, shared goals. It requires openness, discipline, and creativity. Showing respect for other people and not blaming them enables people to work for mutual benefit.

There are no magical phrases or simple procedures for managing conflict. However, there are several strategies for coping with conflict. Knowing when and how to use these techniques can make you a more effective leader.

Course Outline:

Section 1: Introduction and Course Overview

Section 2: Defining Conflict

Section 3: Types of Conflict

Section 4: Open Conflict vs. Hidden Conflict

Section 5: Spontaneous and Reflective Action

Section 6: Johari Windows

Section 7: Stages of Conflict

  • The Five Stages of Conflict
  • Another Version of the Conflict Process
  • Conflict Outcomes
  • Strategies for Dealing with Conflict

Section 8: Win As Much as You Can

Section 9: Conflict Resolution Style Questionnaire

Section 10: The Role of Communication in Conflict Resolution

  • The Communication Funnel
  • Active Listening
  • Paraphrasing
  • Powerful Questions
  • Body Language

Section 11: Seven Steps to Ironing Things Out

Section 12: The Conflict/Opportunity Test

Section 13: Conflict and its Resolution

  • Visualising Conflict
  • A Strategy for Conflict Resolution

Section 14: Facilitating Conflict

Section 15: Facilitation Overview

  • Step One: Venting Emotions
  • Step Two: Resolving the Issue
  • Practical Application

Section 16: Setting Norms

Section 17: Making an Intervention

  • Defining Interventions
  • Resistance Scenarios

Course reference: CON116

Duration: One Day (1 Day)

Time: 09h00 - 15h30

Type: Onsite at your work premises, Open (Public) Course, E-learning (Online) course, Online via Google Meet

Fact: The amount of time spent on conflict management is surprisingly high - employees spend at least 24% of their time on managing conflict.

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Training Methods: This workshop includes dynamic trainee/trainer interactions and discussions, written and oral exercises, role plays, case studies, reflection, quizzes and a workbook for each participant to take back to the workplace.

Target Audience: This workshop is designed for all employees in the workplace to be able to successfully manage conflict.

  • This course makes you aware of your behaviour - excellent practical examples, clear and concise.

    Amanda: Building Lasting Relationships

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